FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2015
It's Happening. Our High End Documentary Series is in Post Production! The two-episoder will be based on East of Byzantium: Vol 1 WAR GODS, and WARRIOR SAINTS. We have a special facebook page for it!
WAR GODS, the first Graphic Novel, is now available here in two versions; a standard and a special numbered edition (only 301 made). This deluxe fully-painted publication features two complete stories (one from 301 AD and one from 451 AD) as well as an exclusive gallery of art, featuring the "making of" process of some of Kupelian's pages.
Volume 2, WARRIOR SAINTS, focuses entirely on the Vartan story and the events of 451 A.D., is complete and available as a special 100-issue limited collector's edition. Based on an original story by Roger Kupelian, it is being co-authored by Razmig Tchaglasian, who likewise had a hand in the first volume. Additional story by Martin Yernazian. Mark Irwin will again reign as Editor in Chief. No two covers will be the same!
Here's how the creator is trying to get the book out there. All we need is another 67 Art Collectors / Comic Lovers and read more details here